Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Head and Heart

Some people go through life
and have learned
to follow their head
in all things
and form their life
through their head
to protect their heart
and these people are blessed
and these people are cursed

Other people go through life
and have learned
to follow their heart
in all things
and form their life
through their heart
to protect their head
and these people are blessed
and these people are cursed

The head can defend you
and keep you safe
and fill your life
with security and stability
and preserve you from pain
even if you have to endure
sacrificing joy

The heart can release you
and show you marvels
and fill your life
with affection and adoration
and preserve you from joylessness
even if you have to endure
heartache and pain

You can embrace to live your life
through your head
through your heart
and be blessed
and be cursed
and never consider
the benefits of the opposing philosophy
nor the disadvantages

But I hope
I can consider
to have both options
merge both head
and heart
on the same path
and be truly blessed
for the rest of my days.

Monday, June 2, 2014

At 3 AM

At 3 AM when the world it sleeps
you wander down Broadway
a patchwork pathway swept empty silent
in seeming honor of only you

At 3 AM the foghorn bellows its stoic warning
some forgotten distance away
and you lean into the air and almost make out
the hush of the dark breaking water
that calls out its unknown message to only you

At 3 AM passing through the haloed islands and the electric murmur
of every street lamp
into the dark oasis of the in-betweens
where you look up and see every star
and you're glad you don't have to share them
for they burn for only you

At 3 AM the isolation and solitude you feel
is not at all desperate
you are alone but not lonely
because this moment in time is yours
tailored and presented to you alone
and for only you.